Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well, Hello, grass!!

We all wanted to go for a walk today, it was so warm and beautiful...

And I wrote a post about it at my *Shine with Unschooling* list:

We headed out, and Sam said, "I want to walk in the that OK?" I said, "Sure! You lead. We'll be right next to you, following you."

I smiled to myself after I said that, knowing that those words were our unschooling lives. And Sam did *not* lead the entire time, but we started out following him. Then other people had ideas for different directions, or were drawn to something somewhere else that others wanted to see, as well. It was a beautiful, swirling walk in the woods of truly living together, leading and following, exploring and discovering, sharing and keeping silent...

This is what happens when we Trust our children and are open to being enlightened by and learning from *their* worlds ~ as defined by THEIR hearts, not by anything else. They lead, we follow, we all discover, we share, they come along, we hold hands and we joyfully explore the infinite possibilities together.

It's a beautiful dance, this glorious life of learning and living in Joy (and an even more beautiful dance because those two ~ learning and living ~ are not separated at ALL)...and the music is the ever-present underlying tone of Deep Trust.

All is well.
