Friday, September 5, 2008


'Life as an acorn, as captured by a camera'

'Not a stupid 'Tunnel-Vision' title'

He can't hear you, he's going through a tunnel.

Anne and Dave:

I know this is a lot of shots of what looks like the same thing, but if you know my honey, you'll know that there are thousands MORE shots of *me*...::sigh::...he is my biggest fan and I am his...

But I just LOVED how he captured this passionate conversation Pam and I were having...

Pam is such a dear friend of mine, and we are discovering more and more how much our minds are alike! She is my major co-conspirator in our *We Shine in 2009* Niagara Falls conference, and here we were both connecting, venting, and saying, "I need to spend some time with YOU!!!"

Below...another introduction from Kelly...and MAN, it was the BEST!!

She has probably introduced me more than any other speaker in all of these *Live and Learn* years...and she admitted that she has probably screwed up most of the introductions (she tends to reveal things that I tell her in confidence while introducing me!!). So she said, "But I know how she'd LIKE to be introduced..."

And then she said, "Ben ~ LIGHTS!" Ben shut down the lights. She asked the audience for their cell-phone lights... And then, in rock-star introduction style, I got the introduction Of My Life!!!

It was just perfect.

Kelly ~ ya got it right that time!! Thank you!!

Back down on earth, to do my *Get Out of Your Head and Into the Moment* talk...

(I like these long-distance shots where you can't see my wrinkles as much... :)...

Kelly and her right hand (and left hand and right brain and left brain...), Pam Genant, at the resource table...

We didn't want to stick around for the entire talent show Friday night, but we did want to honor Sarah...

Back in our room for a little wine, champagne, conversation and music...