Dave and Sam got to work on making Nugget a proper burial that will protect her until the ground thaws and we can bury her.
We had a ceremony to celebrate her Life and her Passing... And then I picked up the markers that were next to the box and started writing on it. Everyone else joined in and the box was full of beautiful, loving sentiments for Nugget, to surround her for her eternity...
And then Sam started drawing grass all around her box, because that was Nugget's favorite place to the middle of beautiful, long, sweet GRASS!!
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So, as I was folding laundry, and Sam and Dave were shoveling and bringing in wood, Jake came inside and said to me, "Do you want to stop doing that and I'll help you with it later, so you can come out and play my game with me??"
His game was to make a snowball and throw it on the roof! Yay! He was so excited!! And then I started with, "And whoever throws it the farthest wins??"
" just THROW IT ON THE ROOF!!" (said with Sheer Joy!)
"And whoever throws it the farthest wins, but you can't go over!"
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I was inspired to make some clam chowder, as we had considered attending the Chowderfest in Saratoga Springs. But it's a 2 hour drive, and Jake is recovering from bronchitis...and so, as always, when we're open to even BETTER ideas that are in alignment with our Highest Good, the Universe provides. We had our own delicious (and award-winning, according to my beautiful men!) chowda, and the draft beer that we got yesterday. Sat in the beautiful sunshine, in the snow, and ate and drank and laughed and loved...